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How to Bake If You Don’t Have Eggs


So you’ve got all the ingredients to start your baking project, but then you go to the fridge and realize you have no eggs. What do you do? Panic and trash the whole project? No, of course not. There are several things you can use to replace eggs, and  your guests, or children, or husband, or wife, won’t even notice.  Perhaps you’ve got a vegan in the family, or someone who is allergic to eggs. Maybe you’re just looking to cut down on cholesterol. These things can be used in place of eggs in any baking recipe.

  1. Aquafaba. What the heck is aquafaba? Chickpea water.  Open a can of chickpeas (or garbanzo beans, same thing) and use the thick liquid in which the beans are stored. This is aquafaba. Three tablespoons per egg and you’ll be good to go.
  2. Applesauce. Yep, good old fashioned applesauce can be used to bind the ingredients in your recipe just like an egg. Use 1/4 cup of applesauce to replace one egg. (I would only recommend doing this for sweet recipes. I made a killer cinnamon bread with applesauce as an egg replacer.) I’ve heard any fruit puree, including simply mashed bananas can have the same effect.
  3. Flax or chia seeds.  Mix 1 tbsp of flax or chia seeds with 3 tbsp of water and let it sit for about 15 minutes. It should be gelatinous and ready to stand in for an egg.
  4. Egg Replacer. Some companies actually make their own egg-replacer mix. Bob’s Red Mill brand is our favorite.
  5. Plant Milks if you’re making a cake that needs a very soft sponge, plant milks can be a perfect replacement for eggs.

Got any egg-replacement methods we didn’t mention here that you’d like to share?