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Meat Prices Going Up at Local Butchers


You might have noticed the last time you went to your local butcher that prices on meat have gone up. This isn’t just in the region but throughout the United States as well. One local butcher has started using dry-erase price tags so its staff doesn’t have to keep printing out new ones for its constantly changing meat prices.

Cattle & Cream, located in Cherry Valley, Illinois, has changed its prices in the past month and says the pandemic is partly to blame.

JBS and Tyson, two of the biggest global meat suppliers, announced that consumer prices would rise due to soaring grain costs and unfavorable market conditions. Meat prices up were up by 2% already in April, which are expected to increase as the rise plays out across the meat industry which was shown by the consumer price index.

The biggest reason is this is the highest price for corn we have seen in a decade. This helps animals put on weight quickly and is one of the single largest expenses in industrial livestock production. The price recently shot up to over $7 from just above $3 a year ago.

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