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First-Of-Its-Kind Drug to Slow Alzheimer’s Disease Progression


Time is stolen from families and the person who is suffering from Alzheimer’s but now there is hope for millions of Americans who are suffering from this disease. The Foot and Drug Administration approved a first-of-its-kind treatment called Biogen’s Aducanumab, which is to slow the process.

While there have been hundreds and hundreds are experimental treatments that have failed, there has finally been a breakthrough with this new drug which could give families the opportunity to spend more time with their loved ones.

Advocates are excited about the hope this new drug offers and says it could be a gateway for treating brain diseases. Advocates are also saying this is an option they have been waiting for, for a long time and Aducanumab will be given once a month and will be the first to treat the disease and not just the symptoms.

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