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Nerd News! June 11th, 2021


Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

Looks like Rick and Morty are finally getting a movie. Not that there is a script, or plans, or a release date, but the show’s producer Scott Marder told Metro that it definitely “could happen.”

Crossplay support is coming for “Overwatch” will be happy to know that cross-play support is coming soon. This means PC players will soon be able to tag along with those on Switch, PS4, and Xbox systems…this will lead to more games to choose from and a bigger player pool.  Source: Uber Gizmo

Ryan Reynolds showed up at yesterday’s “Summer Game Fest” event. Why him? Because his movie “Free Guy” has a lot to do with gaming!

Reynolds stars as a background character in an open-world video game in his new movie “Free Guy.” The flick hits theaters on August 13th, and now the official trailer is out!