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Nerd News! July 7th, 2021


Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

Remember Pokemon Go? It came out in 2016 and had kids and adults walking around real life looking for Pokemon on their phones. We all said, “That’s a fad, it’ll die out.” Well, apparently, it is still a huge money maker. In 2020, the game pulled in $1.23 Billion dollars. Yep, that’s billion with a “B.” Sure it was during a pandemic but that number is still outrageous for a game that came out five years ago.

Got a bunch of extra LEGO bricks laying around that you don’t know what to do with? How about this? There’s an app called “BrickIt” that allows you to take a scan of what LEGOS you have lying around, and it will tell you what to build. In seconds you will have a list of things you can make based on the extra junk you have. Pretty cool.

Marvel fans have their hopes up that Hugh Jackman could be returning as Wolverine. Recently, Jackman posted pictures of himself on his Instagram page with Marvel honcho Kevin Feige, as well as some Wolverine art. Of course, there is only fan speculation at this point, but would he have posted that stuff if something weren’t happening? Time will tell.