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Nerd News! July 13th, 2021


Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

A copy of Nintendo’s Super Mario 64 officially became the most expensive video game ever sold when it went for $1.5 Million Dollars. A man just happened to have the game lying around in great condition, so he decided to sell is. This came just days after a sealed copy of the original NES Legend of Zelda went for nearly $900 thousand.  So, it’s a long shot, but if you’ve got some old games laying around unopened, you might be in for a nice payday.

We’ve gotten our first look at the new Jackass movie, which officially has a title: Jackass Forever. In it, Johnny Knoxville gets beaten up by a bull, and apparently someone from the cast, who they call “Poopies” gets bitten by a shark during Shark Week. Sounds like great fun.

In China they are taking video game addiction among children very seriously. There is a law in place that establishes a curfew for any gamers younger than 18. The tech they are using employs an algorithm that, if it catches you, it will ask you to verify your identity through facial recognition software. If they’re a minor, they are booted off. While this technology seems invasive upon privacy, it would give us older folks a snowball’s chance in Fortnite.