As much as we hate to admit it….Winter is almost here. Now is the time to prepare your home and your yard for the cold winter months ahead. Below is a list of tips and tricks to help you stay comfortable all winter long.

What many people may not realize is that the OUTSIDE of your home needs just as much attention as the INSIDE of your home when you are getting ready for winter. So let’s begin with some simple tips to make sure that you have a clean slate ready and waiting for spring.

Keep Critters At Bay

Nobody wants to use chemicals around their home to keep pests away, but sometimes, it is necessary. But let’s face it, every single winter, bugs come in and try to take over. So, what can we do to prevent it?

  • Weeds, leaves and debris need to be removed before winter to ensure that you don’t leave a warm, dry area for pests and insects to congregate. It also ensures that you will have a blank canvas to which to add new plants, shrubs and flowers in spring.

Make sure to check with local authorities BEFORE burning debris, as there many areas where burning is illegal and can cost you a heavy fine. Most home improvement stores carry paper lawn and leave bags that can be set on the curb for pickup on your regularly scheduled garbage day.

Hoses, Water Features and Gutters

Be sure to flush out any water still inside exterior pipes and hoses. Disconnect plumbing to water features or ponds to avoid motor burn out.

  • Plug leaks, holes and other water access points around your home to prevent moisture from entering your home and garage during the winter from snow accumulation and when rain fall increases in spring. Make sure to disconnect hoses and store them in your garage or basement.

Your gutters need a little special attention in fall because they typically fill up with leaves. You want to be sure that gutter runways are clear of all debris: sticks, leaves and other items can prevent water from getting through and then you could end up with a serious problem on your hands. Here’s a quick tip: if you have a leaf blower, you can attach a piece of PVC piping with an elbow at the end to reach gutters and blow leaves out. No need to use a ladder. You can also find hose attachments made specifically for cleaning gutters at your local home improvement center that may help your situation. You or a professional should get up on a ladder and inspect the gutters to make sure that they are attached securely to your home and are free from holes that can contribute to water damage in the future.

 Declutter Your Yard

  • Lawn décor, patio furniture, flags, tables and tools should be put inside to help deter wear and tear on those items that you use most in spring and summer. If you are able to do so, set aside one corner of your garage for such seasonal items. Lightweight items can easily be stored in a spare room of your home or down in the basement.

 Fertilizer and Bulbs

  • Keep your lawn trimmed until you notice that it has gone dormant for the winter. Fertilizing your lawn in the fall can help give you a fuller, thicker lawn next year. Fall is also a great time to plant bulbs for flowers and plants that will bloom in the spring.

Trim Trees & Bushes

  • Don’t forget to give your bushes one last “haircut” before winter hits. Bushes that are overly full can be damaged under heavy blankets of snow. You’ll also want to be sure to trim any low hanging or questionable branches that could break under the weight of snow and ice and cause damage to not only your home, but power lines and cable lines as well.
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