Here are today’s Nerd News! headlines:

For the Fantastic Four-Hundredth Time: I can’t believe they’re still doing this after so many failed attempts but they’re looking to make another version of Marvel’s Fantastic 4. The 4 haven’t been part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe yet though, and from what I’ve seen, the MCU doesn’t mess around. According to “Deadline’s” Justin Kroll, Marvel has just now started the process of hiring writers to get the story developed. In other words, there’s no script yet so we’ve got a long way to go.

Zack Doing It for Zack: On the DC side of things, Zack Snyder says he didn’t make any money to do his definitive cut of the Justice League movie. When he left the Justice League project due to a family tragedy and Joss Whedon took over, Snyder’s wife and even Christopher Nolan told him not to watch it because it would quote “Break his heart.” He never did watch it,  but it was his choice to re-cut the movie and he will not see a paycheck for it.

PlayStation Productions and Sony Pictures Television have announced that a TV series based on the classic Playstation franchise Twisted Metal is in the works. It will be a Mad-Max-esque adventure through a dangerous wasteland that follows an outsider on a mission to deliver a package for chance at a better life. And to answer your most burning question: Yes. Sweet Tooth will be in it.